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Pee Dee Federal Savings Bank History

The Association was chartered under the “Home Owner’s Act of 1933” and on October 8, 1935, Marion Federal Savings and Loan Association was Chartered. The first organizational meeting was held on October 16, 1935 in the Marion County Court House for the purpose of establishing By-Laws, electing Directors and Officers. Mr. F.E. Watson was elected the Secretary-Treasurer of Marion Savings and Loan Association and the only full time employee.

At the first annual meeting, January 27, 1936, nine Directors were elected with staggering terms to assure continuity of the Association. In December of 1958 Mr. Watson passed away and Mrs. Elizabeth Graham was elected as Managing Officer of Marion Savings and Loan Association.

In March of 1963 the name was changed from Marion Savings and Loan Association to Pee Dee Federal Savings and Loan Association. In addition, Pee Dee Federal Savings and Loan Association moved into its present location at 106 E. Court Street Marion, SC.

As deregulation came about, Pee Dee Federal Savings and Loan Association changed its name to Pee Dee Federal Savings Bank in 1990. This was to better define the institution as being a full service Bank.

In June of 1980, William S. Skipper was elected Managing Officer; in January 1992 William H. Johnson, Jr. was elected Managing Officer to later become President of Pee Dee Federal Savings Bank. In January 2016 Ralph A. Atkinson was elected as President of Pee Dee Federal Savings Bank. Mr. Atkinson served as President until his retirement December 31, 2021.

George R. McMillan was elected to serve as President of the Bank January 19, 2022. McMillan began his career with the Bank in December of 1986 and has held various positions within the Bank over the last 36 years including being elected to the Bank’s Board of Directors in August of 2021. McMillan is a native of Mullins and Marion County and is committed to serving the community in accordance with the Bank’s mission statement:

"Local financial solutions, making life better."

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